353 Ms. Yoon-Jeong Shim who has found the complete self Interview by Hye-Jin Kim. Photograph by Seong-Hoon Hong People cleanse their mind to become healthy and to be free from stress. The diligent practice of meditation and patience will lead them to these benefits. However, is that really what it means to cleanse the mind?… Continue reading
God Is Complete And Lives Forever
327 Drawings and writings of Woo Myung People live agonizing, and carrying burdens in their mind. The burdens of one’s mind are the minds he himself has made; they are the minds he has possessed. When one lives with those minds, he is uselessly busy and it brings suffering, because he must live as the… Continue reading
To Fly with the Mind of the World
350 In Jae Lee 39, squadron leader and combat pilot When I was in middle school, I dreamed of becoming a pilot. ‘If I could always fly…’ To become a pilot and fly in the sky was a fantastic dream. I joined the Air Force Academy, completed all the courses, and finally became a pilot…. Continue reading
-Words That Are Of Use -What Is Salvation? It Is Falseness Becoming Truth
309 The world is a noisy place, full of many words, and although much has been said, none of it is of any use. Useful words are the words of Truth; words that save people. Useful words are living words. Living words must have life, And living words are words of life. In conclusion, they… Continue reading
-Overcoming Thyroid Cancer and Living the Real Life
328 By Young Ae Kim School Nurse I wish there was an eraser that could erase the mind. I want to erase the present, the past, and all the people I know. Why did this happen to me? Was I too conceited? I told myself over and over “It’s okay. It’s going to get better.”… Continue reading
-Devoting Oneself to Others is Only Possible after Emptying the Mind
329 After two years of researching the relationship between the mind and disease, Professor Mi Han Kim from the Kyung Il University Department of Nursing, has confirmed a significant reduction in stress, depression, and anxiety in Maum Meditation participants. Because nurses are in constant contact with patients in emergency situations who are anxious, angry and… Continue reading
wisdom of life through throwing away
330 Subtraction is the solution Reducing Aggression and Gaining Confidence from <Influence of Maum Meditation on middle and high school students’ sense of self-worth> master’s thesis 2011. 2. 24 These days the news is filled with story after story of middle school violence and consequent suicides. These events expose the seriousness of adolescent aggression,… Continue reading
-Heaven, which is Truth
291 Heaven, which is Truth, is freedom, liberation, and endless peace, because in heaven there is no self. The various things from human life? good and bad, interesting and boring, judgment and discrimination, right and wrong, hot and cold, suffering and happiness- do not exist there. Aging, sickness, birth and death do not exist there;… Continue reading
-My mom’s love is like a beneficent virus
331 by Wha Ik Cho Seoul The hide and seek game between my mother and I started when I was in the fifth grade and continued until my freshman year of high school. Out of the blue she would register me at private academies for extracurricular English and math classes, not even considering how distasteful… Continue reading
The generation of completion is the generation of subtracting the human mind
288 Until I Like To Study: A Story about My School Life When I was a student I very much wanted to study well, because I believed that then I could win my parent’s love and my friend’s attentions; and I also felt that when my grades went up I would fill my empty… Continue reading