6학년 읽기 교과서 <소희의 일기장>을 통해 바라본 나의 모습
작품 이름 소희의 일기장
작품의 주제 마음을 나누지 못하고 겉과 속이 다른 마음으로 살아가는 모습
나에게 물어봐요 내 마음속에 외로움과 쓸쓸함은 없나?
내 마음속을 들여다봐요 자고 일어났을 때, 아무도 없을 때, 수련회나 수학여행 갔을 때,
밤늦게 무슨 소리가 들릴 때, 화장실에 갇혔을 때, 학원에서 늦게 끝나고 집에 갈 때, 학년이 또 올라갈 때, 청운대학교에 아는 사람도 없이 영어 공부하러 갈 때, 할머니 댁에서 아빠랑만 살 때.
반성해보고 그 마음을 버려요 나는 여태껏 하기 싫어도 하고, 먹기 싫어도 애써 웃음 지어 보이며
좋아하는 것이라고 먹고 그랬는데 결국 스트레스만 쌓였다. 이제부턴 속마음을 솔직히 말해야겠다.
우리 아이가 마음을 비우니…
6개월 후 33명의 학생들을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시한 결과
마음수련이 내 역할에 충실할 수 있게 한다 85%
마음수련이 집중력을 키워준다 72%
마음수련이 교과 공부에 좋은 영향을 준다 79%
등 아이들의 공부와 자발성을 기르는 데 도움이 되었음을 알 수 있었다.
긍정적 자신감 회복, 마음이 편해져요
◇ 마음수련을 통해 마음이 편안해지고 적극적으로 공부에 참여하게 되면서 내용 이해나 감상을 더 깊게 할 수 있게 되었다. 집중력을 좀 올려준 것 같다. 마음수련은 역할을 충실히 할 수 있게 도와준다.
◇ 선생님은 그냥 면(후루룩 면)인 공부에 마음수련이라는 자장 소스를 가끔씩 곁들이고 웃음이라는 야채도 썰어 넣어 맛있는 자장면을 만들어준다. 그 자장면에 빠져들다 보면 벌써 40분이 다 돼간다. 그리고 선생님께서 해주시는 말은 모두가 이해된다. 그래서 수업 시간이 정말 재미있다.
◇ 나는 오늘 내 마음속 부정적인 나에 대한 ‘거짓 사진’들을 버렸다. 쉬운 교과서, 좋은 교과서, 어려운 교과서, 좋아하는 음식, 싫어하는 나, 나의 안 좋은 점, 나의 좋은 점, 가족 관계, 전자 제품, 컴퓨터, 키보드, 욕, 내가 하는 게임의 캐릭터들을 다 버렸다. 나는 이제부터 부정적인 내가 아니라 ‘긍정적인 나’가 되어야겠다. 그러면 ‘스트레스’ ‘나는 안 돼’ ‘아니야’ ‘싫어’ ‘못 해’ ‘짜증 나’ 하는 이런 마음들이 ‘할 수 있어’ ‘좋아’ 이런 믿음이 생길 것이다.
◇ 싫어하는 것만 안 하고 좋아하는 것만 하면 정말 좋을 텐데 하는 생각을 자주 한다. 정말 그러면 좋기는 하겠지만 싫어하는 것이 없으면 좋아하는 것은 없는 것이나 마찬가지이다. 싫어하는 것을 좋아하는 것으로 만들면 더 행복해질 것이다.
* 이 내용은 2010년 홍성초등학교 6학년 33명의 아이들과 함께한, 1년간 마음수련을 학급 운영에 적용한 결과로
2011년 전인학회학술대회 때 발표된 바 있습니다.
빼기가 나를 바꾼다
결벽증 환자, 자연인 되다
큰 도로 옆을 걸을 때는 말을 하지 않는다. 지하철에서는 앉지 않는다. 버스 손잡이를 잡지 않는다. 화장실 손잡이는 손을 휴지로 감싸고 잡는다. 탄산음료를 절대 마시지 않는다. 과자와 햄을 먹지 않는다. 야채는 하루에 한 그릇 이상, 각종 미네랄, 무기질, 비타민, 영양제를 꼬박꼬박 챙겨 먹는다….
나는 초등학교 때부터 저러한 규칙을 마음에 정해 놓았다. 누가 가르쳐준 적도 없고 어디서부터 시작되었는지 잘은 모르겠지만, 어릴 적부터 세상은 ‘오염’되었고 ‘사람들은 너무 위생 관념이 없다’는 생각이 들었다. 불안한 마음에 나는 자신을 스스로 보호하기로 했다. 그래서 좀 불편해도 저 규칙들을 꼬박꼬박 지키며 살았다.
외출했다가 집에 오면 겉옷과 장갑은 방에 두지 않고 베란다에 따로 보관했다. 내 방만큼은 최대한 깨끗하게 하고 싶었기 때문이었다. 가족들은 불평했지만 나는 꿋꿋이 계속했다.
학교에서도 그랬다. 사람들은 원래 이기적이니까 이런 험난한 세상에서 살아남기 위해선 누구보다도 내 몸 돌보기가 1순위라는 생각이었다. 남들이 어떻게 되든 말든 별로 신경이 쓰이지 않았다.
다만 친구들과 함께 있는 자리에서는 특이한 사람으로 찍힐까 봐 공감하는 척, 착한 척 거짓말도 많이 했던 것 같다. 친구들과 어쩔 수 없이 햄버거를 먹어야 했던 날에는 꾸역꾸역 햄버거를 먹고 집에 와서는 야채를 두 배로 먹기도 했다. 그때는 일상이 불만투성이였고 스트레스도 많았지만 정말 그게 옳다고 굳게 믿었다.
그러던 20살 때 누나가 마음수련을 해보라고 했다.
나는 ‘1주일 쉬다 오자’는 가벼운 마음으로 논산에 있는 교육원으로 갔다. 그런데 그 1주일이 나만을 위해서 살아온 20년 인생을 적나라하게 보게 해주었다.
내 몸뚱이 하나 어떻게 될까 봐 조심하고 잘되려고 애쓰며 살았지만 내 마음대로 되는 건 하나도 없었던 힘든 삶이었다. 세상이 내 뜻대로 안 되니까 세상을 부정하고 작은 것도 더 불결하게, 부당하게 느꼈던 거였다.
실제 세상과 다른 나만의 세상 속에 들어앉아서 더럽다 깨끗하다 맞다 틀렸다 하는 기준을 정하고 세상을 시비분별하는 것 자체가 말이 안 되는 일인데, 그러면서도 내가 제일 소중하다고 여기며 살았던 게 참 부끄러웠다.
그런 마음들을 1주일 내내 버렸다. 그러자 1주일 만에 남보다 잘 돼보려고 발버둥쳤던 나는 없고 무한한 우주가 나임을 확실히 알게 되었다. 그 순간 정말 자유로웠고 가짜인 마음세계를 끝까지 다 버려야겠다는 생각밖에 없었다.
그리고 수련 과정을 어느 정도 끝내자 어느새 세상을 보는 눈이 확 달라져 있었다. 사람을 만나는 것도, 먹는 것, 입는 것도, 지금은 너무나 자연스럽고 편하다. 콜라든 햄버거든 상황에 따라 먹기도 하고 안 먹기도 한다. 옷도 자유롭게 입고 지하철에서, 큰 도로에서 말도 잘한다. 물론 기본적인 청결함은 유지한다.^^;
뭐 하나 잘하는 건 없으면서 결벽증 환자처럼 굴었던 내가, 이제 그런 구속에서 벗어나 자연스러워진 것에 감사하다. 그동안 나 때문에 오랫동안 불편했을 주위의 모든 분들께 사과의 말씀을 드리고 싶다. 정말 죄송합니다.
김민섭 22세. 대학생. 서울시 서초구 반포본동
글, 그림 우명
세상은 이미 깨쳐 있고
세상은 낮처럼 밝은 빛의 세계나
사람의 의식이 자기의 마음의 세계에 갇히어
밝은 세상을 보지 못하누나
빛의 세상을 모르는 사람들은
모두 다가 참 빛 모르고 고통 짐 지고 살구나
어두운 마음속서 갈 곳도 모르고 그 마음의 각본 따라
고통 짐 속서 살아가고 있구나
인생사를 탓하여도 탓이 자기임을 모르고 있구나
한없는 세월 속 그 마음속에 사는 사람은
그 자체가 허상이고 귀신임을 모르누나
다정했던 모든 이는 아쉬워했던 모든 이는
참 빛의 나라에서 보니
모두가 없는 허상의 귀신이었구나
원수도 원망하는 자도 가족도 친구도
모두가 허상인 없는 존재였구나
없는 존재와 살아왔고 없는 존재와 이야기도 하고
없는 존재와 이런저런 생을 살아서
사람은 욕심인 자기의 뜻대로 살지 못하여 원한이 많구나
수많은 세월이 지나가고 수많은 세월이 지나오고 해도
인간의 마음속에서는 이 문제가 해결이 나지 않을 것이다
언젠가는 인간이 바로 서고
참 빛의 나라 모두가 살 때만이
인간의 이 문제가 해결이 나고
궁금하고 의문의심이 나는 것도
자기의 망념 속에서 나는 것이고 이 망념이 허상임을 알고
또 나가 허상임을 알 때 해결이 날 것이다
빛인 참에 나봐야만이 허상인 인생임을 알 것이고
꿈속의 삶을 알 것이다
빛의 세상에 난 자만이 지혜가 있어
어리석음에 살지 않아 어두움이 없을 것이다
말 없는 대자연은 빛의 나라에서 시름없이 살지만
말 많은 사람은 어두운 세상에 갇혀 죽어 있으니
참으로 안타깝기가 그지없구나
인간이 참인 완전함으로 다시 나
영생불사신이 되어 영원히 산다는 것은
경에서나 듣던 말이 참으로 이루어지니
이것이 생시인지 꿈인지도 모르겠고
또한 기적은 가짜가 진짜가 되는 것이다
기적은 없음을 있음으로 만드는 것인데
이 세상을 다 있음으로 만들면
그것이 기적 중에 기적이 아니겠는가
종교에서는 미륵과 구세주와 정도령을 기다리나
그 존재는 참인 존재이나 인간이 그 참을 모르니
인간이 참이 되어 봐야만이
미륵 구세주 정도령을 알 수가 있을 것이다
가짜인 인간을 진짜로 만드는 것이 구원이고
구세주가 하는 일이라
세상은 살아 있으나
이 세상도 실상세계에 구세주만이 살릴 수가 있을 것이고
또 참만이 인간을 참으로 만들 수가 있을 것이다
지금도 인간이 참이 되어 보려고
세계의 각 곳에서 이것저것을 하며 찾고 있으나
정녕 인간이 참 되는 것은 자기의 마음과 자기가 없고
세상인 참으로 거듭나야만이
인간이 참이 될 수가 있을 것이다
이 세상에 수많은 사연과 일들도 인간이 만든 마음속이나
참인 빛의 세상에는 근심걱정이 없고
자연심으로 그냥 살고 있구나
없는 인생사를 놓고
모두가 자기의 관념 관습 속서 빠져나와서
참인 세상에 사는 것이
인간이 해야 할 일 중에 가장 시급한 일이고
그것만이 구원을 받고 지혜로 세상 나서 살 수가 있어
인류가 하나가 되어 모두가 웃으며 살 수가 있지 않는가
세계인은 마음을 닦아 진짜로 다시 나면
진짜라 웃음이 그칠 날이 없고
모두가 행복하게 살 수가 있을 것이다
내가 잘살기 위해 전쟁이 있고
내가 잘되기 위하여 남을 괴롭히나
인간의 마음이 없으면 남을 위해 살 것이다
정치도 이 마음수련을 한 이가 해야 하고
종교, 철학, 사상, 학문도 마음을 닦아
참이 된 자가 해야만이 바를 것이다
자기를 다 버리고 참으로 거듭난 자만이 바르고
참으로 살게 하는 방법을 알 것이다
참과 허는 하나 같지만
의식이 자기 속 갇힌 자와
세상의 의식이 된 자와의 차이이고
하늘과 땅의 차이인 것이다
우 명(禹明) 선생은 마음수련 창시자로서, 인간 내면의 성찰과 본성 회복, 화해와 평화에 기여한 공로로 2002년 UN-NGO 세계 평화를 위한 국제교육자협회로부터 ‘마하트마 간디 평화상’을 수상했습니다. 저서로 <이 세상 살지 말고 영원한 행복의 나라 가서 살자> <진짜가 되는 곳이 진짜다> <살아서 하늘사람 되는 방법> <하늘이 낸 세상 구원의 공식> <영원히 살아 있는 세상> <세상 너머의 세상> 외 시집 다수가 있습니다.
Ms. Yoon-Jeong Shim who has found the complete self
Interview by Hye-Jin Kim. Photograph by Seong-Hoon Hong
People cleanse their mind to become healthy and to be free from stress.
The diligent practice of meditation and patience will lead them to these benefits.
However, is that really what it means to cleanse the mind?
Referring to Maum Meditation, it is said,
‘Maum Meditation changes the human mind to the Universe mind.’
That is, you throw away all kinds of minds
that you accumulated throughout your life and then live as the Universe mind.
The Universe mind is the everlasting,
never-changing Truth-the consciousness of the pure Universe.
How can this be possible?
There are people who have truly been free from themselves
and live as one with the world. What they did was cleanse their mind
by throwing away all of the false images in their mind.
We met Ms. Yoon-Jeong Shim (44),
who helps with the level 4 guidance at the Maum Meditation Education Center.
Yoon-Jeong Shim was born as the youngest child, in Ulsan, South Korea. She was raised in a strict educators’ family, causing her to always yearn for freedom.
Her parents watched her closely. She could not freely wear what she wanted or put on make-up as she wanted. Nor did she have freedom to meet anyone. She felt that she was overly controlled.
When she went to college, she met her husband. Her husband was a dedicated student, and he frequently moved back and forth between Korea and Japan. She felt she could be so free if she lived like him.
Right after graduation, she married him and they went to China together to study oriental medicine. She studied very hard; more than 19 hours a day. She literally memorized every word in the textbooks. Her hard work paid off. She was always ranked first in her class and received scholarships. Even after she gave a birth, she left her child with her mother and she solely concentrated on her studies. In the meantime, her relationship with her husband had been getting worse gradually.
After she had completed a six-year-study in China, she came back to Korea and lived with her in-law’s family, but she was still distant from her husband. One day, her husband left Korea, leaving her and their child behind. She wept with hatred and resentment of her husband who made her life difficult. Also, she suffered from insomnia. Unfortunately, she could not talk to anyone about her pain. She had to suppress her emotion because her marriage was opposed by her family. For a year and a half, she struggled every night in an attempt to rest. ‘Why have I started to have pain’ then in 1997, she started Maum Meditation.
How did you feel when you first started Maum Meditation?
I was too proud and overly confident. I believed that because this world was strange and because I met the wrong people, my life was in a tangle. I believed that my problems were just the result of unfortunate events and conditions and that I would overcome these once I got myself together. I now know that the problems were because of me ? because of my false mind ? and that I had to cleanse my mind. Maum Meditation has the precise method to do this ? to cleanse the mind. As I followed this method, I could clearly see how self-centered I was. Little by little, I moved away from my self-centered thoughts and began to see from the Universe’s point of view. Then, I could see that I had been so arrogant and hypocritical. I was the one who was jealous and envious of others’ goodness. I pretended to be kind and moral. I had nursed my mom for about ten years. When I was with my mom, I pretended that I was a good daughter, but at other times, I resented her, wondering why she had to bother me. I cried a lot when I saw my naked being. How come I only knew about myself…? I was so shameful that I couldn’t eat at all for a month. I couldn’t go out at all. I could never look up at the sky. I truly hoped to escape from such human mind.
You seem to have sincerely practiced throwing away the mind.
The more I saw myself, the stronger the determination I had. I must throw away that existence, ‘me’. Always from the perspective of the Universe, I threw away such mind. I watched myself and every action I made objectively, as if I was a surveillance camera. Although I threw it away over and over again, dust-like mind deep in my mind. For example, if someone had kept disturbing me and bothering me, I had thoughts in the back of my mind like, “How much are you better than me?” Though, when I fully recognized and accepted my arrogance, I could get rid of ‘me’ completely.
‘Throwing me away’ sounds so vague.
My mom passed away few years ago. I was felt a huge void when I saw only a handful of ash left at the crematory. I came to know what would happen after death. It was non-existence, and I would be the same upon my death. I then felt it would be really ‘wrong’ to lead my life of struggle if I were to die and disappear. ‘Throwing me away’ means to break free from that life of meaninglessness in order to live happily with the never-changing mind in the real world of Truth. Simply speaking, it means changing the human mind to the Universe mind. When you see from the Universe mind, not from the mind confined to yourself, you get to see how wrong your life is. You cannot help but admit that you are the existence that should truly be thrown away.
When did you start to guide others in Maum Meditation?
Before Maum Meditation, I had countless minds. I was attached to money, love, dignity, fame, pride, and pretending that I was the best. I had been full of jealousy and resentment. Maum Meditation changed all of that. I wanted to let people know about what I experienced, like the delight and pleasant thrill as I threw away the countless minds one by one. I found true freedom when I broke free from me. I also encouraged students in many ways when they found difficulty in throwing away the mind. In fact, as I helped others, I was the one who had been helped the most. In order to guide others in Maum Meditation I had to truly, discard my false self-my ego…. There must not be ‘I’. There must not be, ‘myself’. Then I could become one with others and sincerely guide them from their perspectives. This was not easy at all but I prayed every day; ‘please, make me able to treat people with the Universe mind without my self’ and if they could throw away their self and become Truth, I could devote everything for them. I felt it from my heart. I have been living with this mindset every day, and it has led me to today.
Can’t you live well even without Maum Meditation?
You might have happiness for a moment. However, as long as you have the human mind, you quickly feel painful and suffer whenever circumstances and conditions change. That’s how humans are. Our human greed is unlimited, and our minds always changes. Maum Meditation actually enables you to live by escaping from all such things. In the past, people believed that death was the state after the end of their lifespan. But in fact, if you are trapped inside your mind world, you are already dead ? meaning you are living with no true, living consciousness. Maum Meditation is throwing away the ‘self’ and being reborn as the Universe mind and living joyfully, happily. So isn’t it worth trying? (Smile)
Are you living as the living soul at the completion of Maum Meditation?
Gratefully, yes. I had been joyfully throwing away my mind every day for more than ten years, and all the sudden, my existence has really disappeared completely. You’ve heard of ‘great freedom’ and ‘great liberation’, haven’t you? This was it. You just come to know on your own when the entire mind is removed. It is difficult to express in words. (Smile) What’s important is you will live the real life as the true soul having the true life when you escape from the delusion and have no mind. What’s truly joyful is that everyone, even you, could achieve this if you throw away the entire mind. The generation of human completion, which I thought was only written in the Scriptures, has really come.
She currently guides level 4 at Maum Meditation Education Center and, she lectures and counsels with her heart at the University Camp. Ms Shim said she couldn’t describe how happy she was every time each person confirmed that the mind had been thrown away. She added that she was grateful that she could guide people at Maum Meditation..
“Through the meditation, you become very certain of living eternally as the true soul when ‘yourself’ disappears. You come to know the ‘eternal life’ itself is ‘you’ and you do not have any human mind world. And also, you realize that the true soul which is the universe is ‘oneness’ itself. I am grateful for the past and my relationships, all the practitioners whom I have met, and Maum Meditation, which have made me to exist today.”
Subtraction Changes Me
Pain Was
Also The Mind’s Illness
For the past several years, my life was a series of seemingly repeating bad events. My physical health was gradually deteriorating. My body was literally ‘the illness center’. I was depressed, and suffered from insomnia and neurogenic gastroenteritis. I had especially severe menstrual pain. I suffered from the pain a week before the period started and few days after it started. I could barely walk. Although I had it once a month, it knocked me out, as the pain lasted for ten days.
Even though I tried many different treatments including prescription medications, Oriental medicine, and medicinal herbs, I never found relief. I tried pain relievers, which had rather worsened my stomach.
Because of pain and my weakened physical condition, I ended up quitting my job.
I also lost my confidence as I was uncertain about what I could do with this body. My mother resignedly told me that it was the family history and I had no choice but to endure it for the rest of my life.
The winter before last, my good friend came to me with a rather bright face. She said that she had been thinking about me while she was doing Maum Meditation. Her consolation, “the tough life is not yours”, touched me and I started the meditation right away.
I had many grim memories: feeling unwelcomed and unaccepted by those around me; stories of familial jealousy and resentment; suffering the injustice of sexual discrimination; the weight and pressure of being the eldest child. All of my past resulted in a mind that wanted to run away from everything.
Through Maum Meditation I threw out this mind completely. I threw out the images of my mom, my brother and the longing for love from my mom. As a week passed, I actually felt that the mind was gone. All those sufferings have disappeared! I was truly grateful that there was really a method to become free.
About a month later, I started to throw away my mind’s images of my body and, surprisingly, the menstrual pain also started to lessen. Because the mind influences the body, as I cleansed my mind, my body healed. This was possible because the fundamental problems from mind were solved.
I truly understood the meaning of, ‘the root cause of all illnesses is the mind’.
I have now completed the whole meditation course. The menstrual pain has disappeared and I no longer experience depression or insomnia. As a result of Maum Meditation, I am living and working without the stresses, pains, and burdens that had plagued my body. I am able to live life without fears and frustrations. I am certain and confident that ‘my body no longer influences my future days’.
If you keep growing your mind illness while being doubtful about whether that could really be thrown away, I want to say this to you: ‘That mind is all false so if you just throw it away, you will surely regain the healthy mind and body.’
Written by Hye-Eun Seo (31), Directing manager
I am a Las Vegas DJ
Steven Oberg DJ. Las Vegas
Boom Boom Boom Boom. LOL. Well, what can I say, I love my job! I’ve always claimed that being a DJ in Las Vegas is like having the most exciting job in the most exciting city. As you know, Las Vegas is world renown for entertainment and nightlife. They spare no expense in their nightclubs, they are decorated so beautifully, welcome people from all over the world, contain impressive sound and light systems, and generate so much fun on a nightly basis. You know, it is truly an honor to DJ in Las Vegas.
I started this career in 1999. I remember absolutely adoring the talent of the local DJs. They had such command of so many people. People loved the DJ! They looked like they were having a great time and their personalities were so strong and confident, and I kept thinking to myself that I want people to love me like that. After practicing very hard for 2 years, I finally felt that my skill level was good enough to begin looking for jobs.
After DJ’ing for quite some time, I have developed my own techniques and habits that I use nightly to make my shows entertaining for the crowd. There is really an amazing connection that transpires between me and the dance floor. I don’t know, it’s weird to explain, but, as the night evolves, I begin to hear the next song in my mind. What I’m saying is that music just magically pops in my mind as I’m performing. It just magically appears. And I listen. I play the song that pops up in my mind. And it always works. It always a perfect fit. Many people have always complemented my performances on my great music choices. But that’s the thing that I find very strange. I actually have an explanation for this. I created my own theory that all the people at the nightclub create a common consciousness together and the patrons are telling me what song to play through some type of nonverbal communication. Connection between mind and mind, this phenomenon actually helped me to have an interest about the mind world.
I, myself, have always loved entertaining, so I really chose a great career! However, during my entire professional DJ career, there has been the biggest obstacle to overcome. It was my mind of pride and inferiority.
At the sight of so many people, I always begin the night very nervous; my palms will get very sweaty too. And also, you know, I will always have the mind that I must not make mistakes, that I must be the best. It is so funny that I have this initial nervousness inside, because you know on the outside it appears that I am very confident. There is a saying in America, “never let them see you sweat.” So anyway, all this nervous energy wears off after ten or fifteen minutes, and the night always goes very smooth.
The real problem comes after the night life. At night it is a big fantastic world. When I am within that world, it is not the real I. When I get out from that world and come back to reality, I always struggled. My pride and inferior mind became stronger. I really had a hard time relating to people and hated conversation. I felt as if something was wrong with me. Why can’t I be happy? Why? Why? Why?
I searched and searched for the meaning of life. After going totally crazy, and after being completely unsatisfied with life, I had a chance to pick up a Maum Meditation brochure. After reading through the pamphlet, my first thought was, “this is the answer to all things!!”
Really, my heart and inner being just couldn’t believe how well the words in those pages touched and spoke to me. I instantly got the feeling of hope that this could help me with the struggling I was going through. As I look back, the unbelievable phenomena that was occurring in my DJ life actually helped me to see a glimpse of the infinite consciousness that Maum Meditation guides us to.
I have been practicing Maum Meditation now for 1 year. My friends and family can’t believe how much I’ve changed. I can’t believe it either! And the only thing that I can say is this, “Maum Meditation is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” Every facet of my life has changed and increased for the better. I have a new appreciation for life like never before. The world is one and the journey to the inside is the greatest.
I will be heading back to Las Vegas soon. Perhaps I can help guide the students in the Las Vegas Maum Meditation center during the afternoon and obtain a couple of DJ jobs during the evenings and weekends. I wish and hope that everyone, all of humanity, will begin, as I have, cleansing their mind and going towards the Truth.
I will have to change my DJ name from Steven Jaye to DJ Helper…
“I love my life!” “I love the feelings of happiness!” I live in a fantastic world no more, but live in a real world. And I am a real DJ Helper who delivers real happiness and joy.
painting by Shin, Cheol
Drawings and writings of Woo Myung
The mountains and streams are blue and green, and crystal clear water flows in the ravine. In the gorge, a squirrel scurries away scared, while a pheasant flies away. There is an unidentifiable bird flying in the sky and azaleas, rhododendrons and white flowers bloom in the trees. Silver-vine leaves are growing on silver-vine trees and wild aster leaves can also be seen. People are following a path made for putting out mountain-fires, they are going to forage for mountain herbs. From inside the mini-van, the mountain scenery is spectacular. the path is just wide enough to accommodate the van, and we follow the meandering road until we reach the peak. The mountain at springtime is too beautiful for it only to be seen by the few people who are here. Stained through by their lives in the cities, people here mingle with nature, and as they forage for herbs without any human minds, they become brighter as their toxic human minds disappear. The ravine is too steep to climb, but I would like to travel up the water course. There is a decrepit shack and it is impossible to know who lived there and why it is now so disheveled. I think awhile about why someone might have lived here. The spring air is neither hot nor cold, and makes me want to prolong this moment for as long as possible. Further down, villages are nestled in every valley, and stories of their long inhabitance have passed down through the ages. They were settled by fugitives from the Korean-Japanese war of the 1500’s, who escaped deep into these mountains, so deep it is still inaccessible by car. I’m told most people have now moved out into the cities. The water flowing valley after valley is so clear, and the rocks and pebbles carved by the flowing water through the years are pristinely clean, showcasing the beauty of the hills behind Mt. Gaya, where divine beings supposedly lived.
One must cleanse his mind in order to be a divine being, and only he who has cleansed his mind can know man must repent his evil mind of sin and karma. There are many stories of people all over the world, but people of the past exist because their descendants currently exist – those who have gone are silent, and they do not exist in the world. They are all futile affairs of human life. No matter how much time passes, it is possible to just live, outside of time, if man is born in the world. Then man would still be alive, but his soul is not able to live as long as the age of the world because he is not born in the world. I drink a bowl of makgeolli in a tavern and alone I ponder on the following matters: a divine being who created other divine beings has never existed in the world; a Buddha who made other Buddhas has never existed and there has never been saints or schools who have made more saints. Man struggles and strives to live man’s false lifetime, but a wise person discards himself in order to live to the age of the world – a lifetime of the world. This is something that is truly commendable, it is something to be thankful for. Man’s life is futile, but a person born as Truth lives forever in the true world. This is why man was born as a human-being, this is what man was born to do, and this is where he must go – the place where he must live. However, he does not know this because he is a man. He simply keeps living his illusionary life, and feeling sorry for man, I order another bowl and drink.
Woo Myung founded Maum Meditation. For his outstanding dedication to the service of humanity, he was awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Award by the United Nations International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) in 2002. He is the author of numerous books including World Beyond World and The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living which have been published in English. His other books, Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth, Heaven’s Formula For Saving The World, The Living Eternal World, The Book Of Wisdom, Mind, Nature’s Flow and The Enlightened World are in the process of being translated into English as well as Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
고3 남자 수험생입니다.
저는 의사가 되는 게 꿈이에요. 그래서 정말 열심히 공부합니다.
다들 주위에서도 너같이 공부하면 어디든 못 가겠냐고 해요.
그런데 정작 성적은 형편없어요. 한 전교에서 중간 정도?
아무리 노력해도 성적은 오르지 않고. 그런데 정말 의사가 되고 싶거든요.
절망스럽습니다. 저는 어떡해야 할까요?
토요일 저녁 식구들과 TV 채널을 돌리다 로또 방송을 봤습니다. 아내에게 물었습니다. “당신은 로또 되면 뭐할 거야?” 아내는 젤 먼저 쇼핑 가방 양손에 가득 들고 쇼핑 한번 맘껏 해본답니다. 저도 공기 좋고 물 좋은 시골에 잔디 넓은 별장 하나 짓고 텃밭 가꾸며 살자고 했습니다. 아내도 저도 함박웃음을 짓고 있는데 중3 아들 녀석이 묻습니다.
“로또는 샀어요?”… 눈만 껌뻑이는 저희 부부를 보더니 아들 녀석이 피식~합니다.
꿈은 의산데 생각보다 성적이 안 나오는 게 고민이시군요. 일단 참 좋은 꿈을 가지고 있습니다. 드라마에 나오는 멋진 의사들의 모습, 다큐에 나오는 봉사하고 헌신하는 의사의 모습 어느 쪽이든 참 매력 있는 직업입니다. 그럼 현실적인 얘기부터 하겠습니다. 요즘 유행하는 개그 한 토막 빌리자면… ‘의사 되는 거 어렵지~~~않아요’ 일단 초중고 전교 상위 5% 이내에 들고, 근데 첫 조건부터 안 되네요. 앞으로 열댓 가지의 조건이 더 남아 있는데 말이죠. 전문의가 되기까지 참고 견딘 그 어렵고 힘든 과정에 대한 보상이 부와 명예일까요? 아닐 겁니다. 그건 앞으로 다가올 더 많은 책임과 힘든 일에 대한 대가입니다. 평생 공부를 하면서 살아야 되는 게 의사입니다. 그래서 지식에 대한 습득을 가늠하는 성적은 중요합니다.
지금 수험생님의 고민은 의사가 될 수 없다는 절망보다는 일단은 좀 더 효율적인 학습 방법을 찾는 게 우선입니다. 의사가 되고 싶다는 절실함으로 학습 방법에 대한 조언이나 충고 새겨듣고 꼭 실천하시기 바랍니다. 목표의식이 뚜렷하고 열심히 공부하는 모습으로 봐서 주위의 도움만 조금 받으시면 분명히 지금보다 훨씬 좋은 결과 있으리라고 믿습니다.
세상에는 가지고만 있어도 행복한 게 두 가지가 있습니다. 복권하고 꿈입니다. 복권도 없이 1등 꿈만 꾸는 저 같은 넋 빠진 동네 아저씨 되지 말고 지금 간직한 의사라는 꿈 이룰 수 있게 현명한 학습 습관 꼭 찾기 바랍니다.^^
동네 노는 아저씨 백일성. 올해 나이 41세, 동갑내기 아내와 중딩 초딩 남매 그리고 1930년대생 부모님과 함께 한집에서 박 터지게 살고 있음. 3년 전 우연히 포털사이트 다음 아고라 이야기 방에 ‘나야나’라는 필명으로 박 터지게 살아가는 이야기를 글로 남기게 됨. 2년 전에는 <나야나 가족 만만세>라는 수필집도 발간했음. 좌우명이라고 할 거는 없지만 어려서부터 어머니에게 자주 들었던 말, “지랄도 많이 하면 는다~”를 한 가지 일에 꾸준히 하라는 말로 새기고 살아오고 있음.
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