스트레스 많은 12살
“자, 눈을 감고 어릴 때부터 유치원 때, 1학년부터 지금 5학년까지 한번 떠올려보자. 마음이 어떻게 변해왔니?” 아이들에게 물어보면 “나이를 먹으면서 마음이 더 무겁고 스트레스가 많아졌어요”라고 대답한다. 아이들이 어려서부터 지금까지 보고 듣고 경험한 것을 마음속에 담아두고 있기 때문인데, 예를 들면 선생님께 꾸중 들었던 일, 친구와 싸웠던 일 등이 내 마음속에 사진처럼 찍혀 있기 때문에 그 생각들이 아이들을 힘들게 한다.
엄마의 강요가 힘들어요
아이들이 제일 버리고 싶다고 꼽았던 스트레스 요인으로는 부모님의 강요(공부해라, 게임하지 마라), 시험과 학원 공부, 형제간의 다툼, 마음에 안 드는 담임 선생님 등이 있었다. 그래서 아주 어릴 적부터 가졌던 엄마 아빠에 대한 부정적인 마음, 무서웠던 기억, 싫어하는 선생님 유형 등을 떠올려 버리게 했고, 중간고사 기간 전에는 집중력을 높이고 시험에 대한 불안감을 없애기 위해 좋아하고 싫어하는 과목에 대한 마음, 시험 볼 때 힘들고 조마조마했던 기억, 스마트폰과 게임에 대한 마음도 찾아서 버리게 했다.
아이들의 변화와 효과
수업을 마친 후 학생들이 직접 작성한 활동 소감문을 보면 12명 중 10명이 ‘마음이 편안해지며 잡념이 없어지고 성적이 올랐다’고 답했으며 ‘가족이나 친구 사이가 좋아졌다’(8명), ‘숙제나 학원 가는 것에 스트레스를 덜 받는다’(6명)라고 답했다. 그리고 12명의 아이들 모두가 부모님이 마음 버리기를 했으면 좋겠다고 답하는 등 스스로도 마음 버리기의 필요성을 느끼고 있었으며 각자 다양한 부분에서 마음 버리기의 효과를 느끼고 있었다.
하루에 6시간씩 게임을 하던 아이는 게임 시간이 많이 줄어들었고, 부끄러움을 많이 타던 아이는 회장 선거에 나가서 부끄럼을 타지 않고 연설을 잘했다고 말했다. 시험 칠 때면 떨려서 화장실을 들락날락했는데 마음수련 후에는 긴장이 안 되었다는 아이도 있었다.
그 외 아이들의 마음수련 소감 몇 가지
★ 마음 빼기를 하기 전에는 스트레스가 90%였는데 지금은 30%가 되었다.(박00) ★ 친구가 놀래키면 잘 놀랐는데 ‘생활명상부’ 하면서는 아이들이 나를 숨어서 깜짝 놀래켜 줬는데도 나는 깜짝 안 놀랐다.(권00) ★ 친구들이 놀리면 주먹질이 먼저 나갔는데 이제는 말로 한다.(이00) ★ 공부 시간에 집중이 잘되고 공부가 잘된다. 학교 가는 길이 행복하다. 그리고 선생님들이 나를 가르쳐주시고 지적해 주시고 꾸중해 주시는 게 너무 감사하다.(홍00)
고등학교 2학년, 주변 친구들을 따라서 담배를 입에 물게 되었다. 처음에는 호기심에 시작했지만 어느새 하루에 반 갑을 피게 되고, 결혼하고 아이를 낳고서도 담배를 끊지 못하고 15년이 흘렀다.
담배로 인해 불편한 건 한두 가지가 아니었다. 특히 여자로서 주변의 시선은 가장 큰 스트레스였다. 어르신들, 딸아이의 눈을 피해 몰래 담배 필 장소를 찾아보는 게 나에겐 주요 일과였다.
늘 따라다니는 담배의 매캐한 냄새, 가래 소리, 기침 소리 때문에 나도 모르게 움츠러들고 숨어 다니기도 했다.
내 인생에 해롭기만 했던 이 담배라는 것을 어떻게든 끊고 싶었다. 처음에는 담배를 샀다가 버리기도 수도 없이 해보고 일주일씩, 길게는 석 달을 근근이 안 피우고 버티기도 했다. 임신 기간에는 아이 때문인지 담배를 잠시 안 피운 적도 있었는데 아이를 낳고 시댁과의 갈등이 생기자 또 담배를 물었다.
금연 결심과 상관없이 조금만 힘들면 담배가 당겼다. 그저 막연히 의지하고픈 마음이었다. 그럴수록 내 모습이 한심스러웠고 자책감이 몰려왔다. 아이는 부모를 보고 자란다는데 엄마로서도 떳떳하지 못한 모습이었다.
2004년, 담배가 너무 끊고 싶다는 말을 듣고는 친언니가 마음수련을 소개했다. 마음수련은 본래의 나를 찾고 그동안 쌓아왔던 가짜의 마음을 버리는 방법이었다. 나는 이것을 금연에 적용시켜 담배에 관련된 모든 마음을 버려보았다. 매번 금연에 실패했던 지겨운 내 모습도 버렸다. 그동안에는 금연을 하려는 생각만 많았지 정작 행동화하지는 못했는데, 담배에 집착하는 것 또한 가짜마음임을 알게 되니 더 이상 두고 볼 필요가 없었다.
제3자 입장에서, 객관적으로 담배 피려는 마음을 부정하고 무시하며 떼놓아 갔다.
어느 날부터 점점 피는 개수가 줄어들고 담배를 보고 있는데도 담배 생각이 나지 않았다. 그 지긋지긋하게 붙어 있던 담배가 마음에서 사라지다니! 너무 신기했다.
그 후로 일주일이 지나도, 한 달, 일년이 지나도 담배 생각이 나지 않았고 완전히 뿌리를 뽑은 기분이었다. 가래도, 기침도 나오지 않고 속이 편안해지면서 머리가 맑아졌다. 호흡기가 좋아져서인지 코와 귀의 기능도 많이 좋아졌다. 무엇보다 쫓기는 마음으로부터 해방되었다는 것이 가장 큰 변화였다. 여자의 가방 안에 담배가 없다는 것이 이렇게 자유로운 거구나! 죄스러운 마음, 들킬까 조마조마한 마음에서 완전히 벗어날 수 있었다.
담배든 술이든 자기도 모르게 하는 습관들을 바꾸는 건 철저히 자기와의 싸움이다. 그리고 그 싸움에서 이기는 방법은 끊임없이 자기를 부정하고 버리는 것인 것 같다. 내가 어찌하지 못하는 그 마음이 가짜임을 알고 꾸준히 버린다면, 누구나 자신의 무거운 짐 보따리를 벗어버릴 수 있을 것이다.
김실현 40세. 주부. 서울시 구로구 개봉동
해탈이라 자유라
나가 없어 그지없이 편안하고
인간사에 이것저것인
좋다 나쁘다가 없고
재미있다 없다도 없고 시비분별이 없고
맞다 맞지 않다
덥다 춥다 고통이다 행복이다도 없고
생로병사가 없고 그냥 자유라 해탈이라
그냥 살고 그 마음에는 공심 자체나
영원불변 하늘인 진리의 마음 자체라
옛 사람인 나는 없는 사진이고 허상 자체라
인간사에 일체의 것이 없어졌구나
하늘에는 참밖에 없고 하늘에는 자기의 복을 지은 만큼
그 기쁨이 더하여지는 것이라 극락이라
이 있음의 나라는 실의 나라라 실상세계라
진리로 거듭난 나라는 죽음이 없고
영생불사신으로 사니
이 나라에 난 자는 참이라 진리라 있음이라
죽지 않고 영생하리라
세상은 완전하나
인간이 세상을 사진 찍어
자기의 마음의 세계에 하나의 영화의 필름처럼
가지고 있기에 인간의 마음은 없는 것이고
신인 본래인 진리의 마음은 비물질적 실체라 있음이라
이것은 시공이 없고
스스로 존재하며 어디에나 아니 계시는 곳이 없고
태초에도 계셨고 태초 이전에도 계셨고
영원 이후에도 계시는 불사신이라
창조주이시고 이 자체는 대영혼인
무한대의 우주의 근원인 본래 자체라
천지만상의 어버이이시고
이 존재가 세상에 사람으로 왔을 때
천지 일체와 사람이 구원이 되기에
구세주라 하는 것이고 미륵이라 하는 것이라
인간이 세상 나 할 것은 사는 것이고 참이고
이 진리의 존재가 되는 것이라
만상이 참으로 거듭나 산다는 것은
일체가 죽어야 다시 나고 거듭난다는 것이라
진리의 나라는 산 나라나 인간이 진리의 마음이 없기에
진리의 나라를 볼 수가 없고 알 수가 없는 것이라
인간이 완성된다는 것은 진리가 되는 것이고
인간이 영원히 산다는 것도 진리가 되는 것이라
우리가 가야 할 곳도 진리고
다시 나 살 곳도 진리로 다시 나야 할 것이라
나로부터 벗어난다는 것도
허상인 나와 돈 사랑 명예 가족도
일체의 인간사로부터 떠나야
진리의 나라고 진리로 거듭날 수가 있는 것이다
진리 자체가 와야만이 인간이 진리가 될 수가 있어
인간이 완성이 될 수가 있으나
인간마음에 세상을 사진 찍은 마음밖에 없어
진리 없기에 참인 존재가 세상 사람으로 와서
인간과 천지의 만상을 다시 나게 하는 것이 구원이고 천극락이라
참만이 참의 나라에 데리고 갈 수가 있고
또 참으로 다시 나게 할 수가 있을 것이다
천극락은 허상인 나가 다 죽고
참인 완전함의 몸 마음으로 다시 나
완전한 나라에 살아서 참이 되어야 하고
살아서 이 나라 간 자만이 천국에 살 수가 있을 것이다
지금 진짜가 되지 않는 자가
죽어 천극락 간다는 것은 어불성설인 것이다
가짜는 없는 것이고 허상이라 죽고 말 것이다
아니 없어지고 말 것이다
천극락은 진짜인 진리만이 사는 나라이고
인간사에 일체로부터 떠난 완전함이라
그지없이 편안하여 해탈이고 자유고
시공이 없고 일체의 망념이 없고 항시 그 마음이 쉬고 있어
그지없이 편안함만이 있는 곳이라
글, 그림 우명
우명(禹明) 선생은 마음수련 창시자로서, 인간 내면의 성찰과 본성 회복, 화해와 평화에 기여한 공로로 2002년 UN-NGO 세계 평화를 위한 국제교육자협회로부터 ‘마하트마 간디 평화상’을 수상했습니다. 저서로 <이 세상 살지 말고 영원한 행복의 나라 가서 살자> <진짜가 되는 곳이 진짜다> <살아서 하늘사람 되는 방법> <하늘이 낸 세상 구원의 공식> <영원히 살아 있는 세상> <세상 너머의 세상> 외에 영역판 <World Beyond World> <The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living> 등 다수가 있습니다.
I was displeased with my life. There were so many superior people to me in the world. But how come my own family and my siblings had always struggled in the “not-so-good” lives? Besides, my son with a physical disability was a big, big worry for me. My mind was always staying with my son even after he was at school. I was worried that he might have been bullied. I felt that so many antennas were attached to my head. “What should I cook for dinner?” “It’s my mother-in-law’s birthday, what should I do?” I became lethargic and had lost all my physical energy. Being diagnosed since having a mind to suffer, I started practicing Maum Mediation.
When I was guided to throw the mind out at the meditation session, I thought I was punched by someone. “What on earth is the mind?”, again I asked to myself. Then, tears gushed out. My mind was exhausted, my mind was ill…… I was a fool. I didn’t know what the mind was, although I always said countless words about mind. Probably it was why I didn’t figure out the reason of feeling difficulties to live. The life that I lived went through my mind like a flash. Every year when spring came, I used to recall my childhood. I grew up in the countryside and loved the time of seasons when I picked out wild herbs with my friends. Although my friends had gone from the hometown, I still missed what happened in the past. Happiness in my childhood became the benchmark for my life, because it was the good old days when I felt liberal without any ‘responsibility’ as a mother…… So the reality had always been bothering me. I even put the blame on people around me. I resented my husband, who didn’t live as I wanted him to live. I also resented to my children, who weren’t raised according to my will and grew up quite differently from my parenting.
Apparently I lived in the past, being swayed by the memories I gathered with my mind so I missed this very moment, the present, which was supposed to be the most brilliant and radiant. I didn’t live as the main character of my life. I rather created countless thoughts from a viewpoint of audience, envying others all the time. A puppet, which just cried, laughed, danced, and being swayed by the countless pictures (memories), was actually me.
Becoming the main character of the life. It was as same as disconnecting all of the strings attached to me, who was a puppet. I started untying the strings one by one that restrained me. I let go of the string of my happy childhood. I let go of the string of resenting my disabled son. I also let go of pressure of being a ‘mother’. Then, small wings in my mind flapped as if a bird in a cage had freedom. Having my body naturally moving, I put it into action. And lethargy got better.
Gradually I could hear the sounds of others. From my kids’ talks, to the voice of an old lady who was selling things at the market…… I used to scold my kids for talking too much but it was actually their way of expressing their mind and was also the advice to me for making a change. The world has given me a hand to save me but I was caged within myself and could not hear nor see it. Like any other ordinary day, I cook for my family carefully listening to my kids chattering. And now, finally I feel that I am living my life.
Jung Mi Kim (46) South Korea
Written by Hyung Jung Noh (39)
Doctor, Buenos Aires, Argentina
In July 2011, I visited the Maum Meditation Main Center in Nonsan, South Korea.. Although I started practicing Maum Meditation in Argentina, I decided to take a trip to South Korea to do more intensive meditation. I believed that no matter how busy I was, there was nothing more important than finding my true self and living as a true existence.
My family immigrated to Paraguay when I was 5 years old. My father was a doctor of oriental medicine and has always appreciated the inner values. He said that finding new ways from nature was the real remedy as our body was also a part of nature, and he has been able to heal hard-to-cure diseases after doing much research.
I naturally wanted to become a doctor after I watching my father since my childhood. I have been curing patients for more than 10 years, and I heartily felt that what was more difficult to cure than physical illnesses were illnesses from the mind. Together with my brother, I specialized in internal medicine for children and adults. In 2009, I changed my specialization to aesthetic medicine. Unlike cosmetic surgery with scalpels, aesthetic medicine helps improve your appearance with treatments such as Botox. It seemed that the clients just wanted to become pretty; but on the other hand, they mostly had some kind of problems in their mind.
There was one who was obsessed with looking good because she was shocked when she lost her husband to a younger lady;
another who was already pretty but seized with inferiority; and there was even one who begged me to remove her wrinkles,
even though she didn’t have any.
Although I advised them to “please have calmness within your mind” and to “try to throw away that kind of mind”, it was always difficult because I knew that, even though I was a doctor, I could not control my own mind easily. But I was able to get over those limits in 2008 when I started practicing Maum Meditation. While meditating I recalled the time I first came to Paraguay. I worked hard to avoid looking at other people’s eyes; they looked at me as if they were looking at monkeys because I was an Asian. My past memories spread out before me ? the memory that I chose pediatrics for my specialization because I liked kids, but changed it later as it was painful to see sick kids and the memories that I had misunderstood things, and had been easily hurt and cried over trivial things, all because my family had always protected me as I had been weak as a child.
Within these memories, I could see,"myself who only knows about me." I was given a lot of love from my family, friends and the people around me; but I would coldheartedly break off relations with them, even if they committed the most insignificant thing against me. I was always given respect, but I thought I deserved it because I thought I was superior to others; yet I never knew how to appreciate others. And of course, I didn’t know how to say “I’m sorry” to others.
As I reflected on myself, I realized I was full of attachments. My possessions, my family, my friends…… I had never lost any of my possessions, even the smallest needle. When my close friend became close to another friend, I felt hurt and that I had been betrayed.
After I became a doctor, I thought I had to live caring about how others saw me. As a doctor, I must be like this; I must wear these clothes, maintain this reputation, and I had pride, and my future had to be prepared for. I had always been restrained by these things. Within them, I was constantly hurt and worried. I had always been restless and kept my brain working overtime, because of thoughts like ‘I must be good all the time’ and ‘I must build up a fabulous future’. While meditating, I realized that these things were all illusions, and I started to throw out these ‘fake’ illusions.
One day, I came to realize, "oh, I was just a foolish person to be so worried over such insignificant things.
I have only lived in my mind world and never ever lived as the real existence. I always thought I was superior and I lived as the king of my kingdom that I had created. Even so, everyone around me, and the world, has been truly embracing me with a warm heart."
I have been gradually changing. I was introverted, but have become a lot more active and so brave that I can talk in front of many people without being shy. I also started to break free from the never-ending worries about the past and future, like "what if this goes wrong…"
Additionally, I also have hope as a doctor because I can now say to the patients who suffer from their mind that there is a way to throw out the mind.
I feel grateful to everything. I am grateful that I can throw my mind out, grateful that I live in this world, grateful when I eat, grateful to my family, grateful even when I look at the sky. I am also grateful to the patients who visit me.
For the first time in my life, I experienced the action meditation in South Korea. Action meditation is the meditation of throwing out myself while working in natural settings, such as farming, perhaps in the sesame fields or chili pepper fields growing the vegetables, which the students would share at mealtimes. I would throw out myself while doing this action meditation in nature, walking on the earth. This was something I had never done before, but my energy was somewhat recharged in my body. I felt that when we do actions for others our body could then be filled with a lively energy.
If I am given the opportunity later, I would like to recommend to my patients to do this action meditation. While meditating intensively for a number of months, I became a lot freer from myself and the minds where I cared about how others see me have disappeared. I have enlightened to the true peace; this is to live truly, and to live just as it is, not being conscious of others looking at me, no matter which clothes I wear and no matter what I say.
I am going back to Argentina soon. When I get back there, I would like to tell my patients and everyone I meet about this peace of mind that I have. Also, I would like to tell them about what it is to live being real.
The real life is living in this world, breaking away from my mind world.When there is none of myself, which is fake, I am just the Universe and live just as the Universe mind.If you see from that mind, you know how the world works and live truly freely and happily.I truly hope everyone comes to know the real life through this meditation.
Hyung Jung Noh was born in 1972 in Seoul, South Korea, and immigrated to Paraguay when she was 5 years old. After graduation from Cordobes National Medical School in Argentina she worked as a pediatrician. In 2009, she began specializing in aesthetic medicine. She began Maum Meditation in 2008, and is currently meditating at the main center in Nonsan, South Korea. She thinks that Maum Meditation is essential to her life before she begins her new career as a general practitioner in her own clinic.
Until I Like To Study:
A Story about My School Life
When I was a student I very much wanted to study well, because I believed that then I could win my parent’s love and my friend’s attentions; and I also felt that when my grades went up I would fill my empty feelings of inferiority. I eventually became obsessed with studying and, especially during the exam periods, I would study all day long at the library with a stack of countless study guides.
But the problem was that my grades didn’t go up very much. I would read the same page of a book all day long, then suddenly begin fretting over it and start changing textbooks every ten minutes.
I spent 50 minutes out of an hour worrying about the exams. When I actually took the exam, what I had done at the library didn’t help me at all. High school was a series of exams all year around; midterm exams, final exams, and even practice exams every semester. Because of this, I felt like my veins were about to burst and I had a severe headache. I would lie down in bed holding my head tightly. Also I became paranoid. I thought “I can’t continue my life in school like this.”
About that time my mother recommended that I go to the Maum Meditation Youth Camp. While meditating, one strong image of my mother when I was young came across my mind; she coldheartedly turned her back against me right at the moment I told her about my academic ranking in school.
It was a shock to me. I thought, ”If I don’t study well, all the love and attention from my mother will disappear completely.”
Another memory that was recalled was about my father. Every vacation starting in junior high school I received English tutoring from my father, and he scolded me every day; it was literally a war with my father every day because I was not that talented at learning English. Since then, I accumulated negative images about my father, and I eventually hated him so much that I hated to be in the same place with him at all.
As these kinds of memories were accumulated, I had gradually become a person with a strong attachment to my studies and academic ranking.
I realized that if I didn’t throw away this mind, I would live unhappily for all my life, trapped inside my world forever. Even after my body disappeared, this mind would have stayed the same. I felt terrible. I wanted to get out from my mind world. The inferior mind and the void disappeared as I strongly threw them away.
Gradually I could comfortably tell my parents about how I had felt in the past. I found out that my mother didn’t even remember turning her back on me; and my father, whom I thought was always abrupt and patriarchal, had wished good luck to his child all the time. They were unexpectedly considerate and friendly to me.
When the second semester of school started my study style changed completely. Most of all, I could concentrate for a much longer time. The time I had wasted by worrying and comparing myself with others (like thinking ‘”I must study better than her”) and having attachments to insignificant things; all this disappeared. I could easily get the main points during class as well. Since then, I have always ranked first at school. It gradually became more comfortable and fun to study.
If I had not done Maum Meditation then, I would have ruined my school life, as well as my studies and the relationship with my parents. Having had these experiences, I wholeheartedly want to tell the junior students that the practice of throwing away the mind is the most important thing to do, even before attaining knowledge. I also want to say thank you to my parents, who gave me such an opportunity during my sensitive adolescence.
Yoo Jeong Heo (24) Nurse
My Age Is Almost 70 And
I’m Free from Sickness
After Throwing My Mind Away
I knew about Maum Meditation because my sister started practicing it. She recommended that I should do Maum Meditation more than a decade ago, but I believed that loving others was more important than cleansing the mind. I believed no one could stand up against love, so I was determined to accept and embrace everything and I actively participated in many volunteering activities.
However, my mind had never been happy. I could confidently say that I lived as hard, diligently and righteously as anyone else, but I had a lot of stress. I had been educated under the family tradition of Confucianism so I had never talked back to anyone in my life. I always said ‘yes’ to everything, putting my anger and resentment aside.
I accumulated these mindsets for a number of decades and probably stored them in my physical body as well. As I got into my sixties my body started to become stiff. I could barely move my arms and legs, and it was laborious for me even to sit still. I took many medicines and exercised hard for a couple of years trying to cure this unidentifiable illness. I recovered enough so that at least I could sit. Then, to make things worse, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. While I had been concentrating solely on curing my body from immobility I had been neglecting the regular checkups for thyroid cancer and it had actually developed.
After my body was labeled cancerous, I was in extreme despair. ”Why,” I thought, “is my life going like this?” I began Maum Meditation after the surgery had been scheduled.
It was not easy to throw away the mind. I needed much more effort than others because I had many negative thoughts, such as, ”It is hard for me to sit for long. Will I be able to do this?” But then again, I thought, more than three hundred thousand people have practiced this meditation. I made up my mind not to give up, even though I might be the last one to finish it. After I had been meditating for twice the average time most people required for meditation, I could see myself, the real self, and repent truly from my heart.
My life had been so meticulous and assiduous that I only knew what I was taught, like, ”1 plus 1 equals 2.” I believed that I did not need to cleanse my mind; but actually I felt so sorry for my family, who must have been suffering from my perfectionism and my pride in being like that. I could not understand why my husband usually came home late and frequently drank out. But the cause was me. My mind was full of dissatisfaction, and by kicking my husband out of our home he certainly received that dissatisfaction as well. I felt sorry for him because he didn’t have a place to rest.
After I completed the meditation and returned home I made a deep bow to my husband.
I said to him “If I didn’t practice Maum Meditation, I would have lived all my life resenting you. But I feel so grateful now that I threw away the mind and have come to love you truly.”
My body has become a lot healthier, and I even go hiking regularly. From that I am now fully recovered from my illness. It has been 7 years since I had the surgery and I almost forgot about it; I am that free from the body, I am not shackled to it. Illness of mind brings illness of body, but I am certain that no illness will come along, ever, if I live with this mind that I have now.
These days, I also enjoy life with my husband. As I am facing the age of 70, I am so happy that I came to know the true meaning of life that I’m enjoying it with no worries about the future or the body.
Chung Ja Cho (69)
Woo Myung first met Dr. Charles Mercieca in Huntsville, Alabama, in September 2002 after a meeting at the United Nations headquarters with Dr. Han Seung-Soo, the then President of the U.N. General Assembly, to discuss how to achieve world peace.
At that time, Dr. Mercieca became certain that achieving inner peace through Maum Meditation was the true way to achieve world peace and awarded Woo Myung the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Award, as well as designating him a World Peace Ambassador for his contributions to world peace and the recovery of people’s original nature.
They met again in the fall of 2011, nine years after their first meeting. The subject of their talk, which took place over the space of some two hours, was the reconfirmation of the possibility of realizing world peace and human completion. Dr. Mercieca rejoiced, “Although wars, starvation and discrimination still exist on Earth, a time of peace in the world is drawing near now that we have Maum Meditation as a solution.”
A special talk between Woo Myung and Charles Mercieca
11th October, 2011, Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A.
Edited by Choi Chang Hee
Dr. Mercierca: It was really wonderful to hear from you again,
and it’s such a pleasure to meet again.
Woo Myung: Maum Meditation has grown considerably since we last met.
There are more than three hundred centers worldwide,
and there will be more than a thousand centers open within the next three years.
Dr. M.: How was Maum Meditation able to grow so quickly? It is truly astonishing.
W.M.: Maum Meditation is about changing the human mind into the mind of the Universe,
and when one is reborn from that Universe, he never dies.
Dr.M.: In that case, the world will truly become a peaceful place.
Even though I knew of your passionate and vigorous efforts, it is still astounding that
Maum Meditation was able to grow so much in such a short space of time.
W.M.: In the future, it is certain to grow even more quickly.
Dr.M.: I am sure that it will continue to gain momentum. How was such growth possible?
W.M.: Well, it is because many people have become enlightened
and large numbers have achieved completion. Completion is the state when one has been born
in the land of Truth, and thus eternally he does not die. Maum Meditation is the total education
-the education of the “whole person”- where one can achieve completion.
Dr.M.: I realized that when you came here the first time.
I felt something in you and from you that I have never felt or encountered in another person.
W.M.: I remember you told me that I was charismatic when you met me nine years ago.
Dr.M.:That’s right, I said that. You are charismatic because you make people see
what they were unable to see, and you make them become complete.
Do you spend the majority of your time in places other than Korea?
W.M.: Yes, Maum Meditation is doing very well there already,
so I visit places that need more support.
Dr.M.: That is remarkable! I think the results you have already achieved in Korea are
the impetus driving the on-going progress. For a person in your position to actually visit
these places yourself is the mark of a true leader -to lead by example.
It is inspiring to see that you care for the people of the world like they were your own children.
W.M.: What meaning would there be in personal fame? I do not do this to gain that.
The only thing that is important to me is that people become Truth.
Dr.M.: What you have done would not have been possible if you had been seeking fame;
you have only achieved the results you have because you were not.
Successful people are usually those do not seek fame and work quietly behind the scenes,
and I think that you are such a person.
W.M.: I would like for the people of the world to live as one,
without discriminating about which country they come from.
Dr.M.: Only then can the peace of the world be realized.
The Roman philosopher Seneca once said that the whole world is his native land;
world peace can only be realized when our children all believe the same.
Dr.M.: Why didn’t such a world come until now?
W.M.: Because a complete existence had not come to the world.
Such a world can only come when people have recovered their original nature.
Dr.M.: All educational systems should teach the philosophy of Maum Meditation.
W.M.: People have lost their humanity because current educational systems teach children
only the skills and knowledge needed to make a living.
Dr.M.: That is true, especially in America.
It would be great if Maum Meditation was a mandatory subject in all educational systems
in all countries in the world.
W.M.: When the human mind changes to the mind of the Universe and all people become one,
there will no longer be distinctions between your country and my country.
In all my lectures around the world, I tell people that there is now a complete solution.
I tell them, “Even if you had not been born, the Universe would still have existed;
and if you get rid of your mind world and you are reborn in the Universe,
you will have the mind of the Universe and become complete.”
This is possible because Maum Meditation has the method.
Dr.M.: There was no method in the past,
and it can now happen quickly because a method does exist.
W.M.: Until now, no method existed for people to become saints.
W.M.: It is causing a sensation because the method works.
Dr.M.: I think that is so because people are actually becoming complete with the method
and they are experiencing it for themselves.
W.M.: It is because they are becoming enlightened.
Dr.M.: This is very inspiring. I am sure that you will achieve your aim.
W.M.: Religious wars are still taking place around the world.
Dr.M.: It is a shame; people are unable to become one, and are divided.
W.M.: If people eliminate the illusion of Christ and the illusion of Mohammed
that exist inside their minds which are also illusions, and become the mind of the Universe,
they will become one. Maum Meditation is only about subtraction.
People have always only added to their minds until now.
Dr.M.: That’s right. We should all empty our minds.
W.M.: Then we become the completely empty mind.
Dr.M.: I think that the titles of your books are wonderful.
“The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living” is 100% true.
Mother Theresa also thought this to be true while she was alive.
I could not see even though I have eyes, but now it seems as though my eyes are opening.
W.M.:There are ten books in total, and they are being translated into nine different languages.
They are ideal literature.
Dr.M.: I am sure that that I will benefit a lot by reading them.
W.M.:Yes, because there is a method for people to escape from their mind world
and shed their sufferings and burden.
Dr.M.: It is like a dream for people to be able to shed their sufferings and burden.
It is in fact a miracle.
W.M.: I have the ability to save people who are dead in an illusionary world
and send them into the real world. When we first met, you told me about your wife
who had passed away, and I could see that you were saddened and missed her terribly.
This stayed on my mind, so I sent her to a good place.
Dr.M.: Oh… thank you! Since then, I have always felt very peaceful whenever I thought of her.
I sincerely thank you.
W.M.: You will become even more at peace in the future.
Dr.M.: I think I am beginning to realize what inner peace is.
W.M.: Maum Meditation is the total education to become complete.
If people do this, they can become complete and live as one.
Dr.M.: Yes. When people become free of themselves and become Truth,
the world will truly become a peaceful place. In that sense, Maum Meditation is a fundamental
solution to achieve real peace in the world.
The International Association of Educators for World Peace highly supports both you and
Maum Meditation. I hope to hear more in the future about Truth and peace. Thank you.
drawings of Woo Myung
Woo Myung founded Maum Meditation in 1996 and began teaching people Truth. Thousands of people have become Truth through the practice of his unique and precise method of discarding the false picture world. He was awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Award by the United Nations International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) in 2002. Woo Myung has also been appointed as a United Nations World Peace Ambassador because of his outstanding dedication to the service of humanity. He is the author of numerous books including ‘The Book Of Wisdom’, ‘Universal Order’, ‘Mind’,’The Enlightened World’, ‘World Beyond World’, ‘The Forever Living World’, ‘Heaven’s Formula To Save The World’, ‘The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living’, ‘Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth’ and ‘Stop Living On This Land. Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness. Live There Forever’. There are three hundred and twelve centers worldwide, guiding people to the world of happiness.
Dr. Charles Mercieca, a retired history and philosophy professor from Alabama A&E University, is the President of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP). In 1967, Dr. Mercieca spoke with several Latin American Universities about bringing unity between North and South America, and later he undertook a world-wide lecture tour to raise awareness for international understanding and world peace through education. An international conference of world educators in Huntsville, Alabama, in 1969, resulted in the establishment of the International Association of Educators for World Peace. The IAEWP was set up as a non-profit organization, the aim of which is to pursue world peace through educating the people of the world. In 1973, it became a non-governmental organization of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as well as a part of the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI). In 1987, IAEWP was made a Peace Messenger of the United Nations, and in 1990 it became officially linked with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Conference on Environmental Development. Having consultative status with the UN, the IAEWP is now represented in over 80 nations world-wide.
젊은 시절 꿈이 많았습니다. 작가, 선생님, 화가….
글 그림에 솜씨 있다는 소리도 많이 들었고요. 하지만 결혼하고 두 아이의
엄마가 되면서 꿈은 멀어져갔습니다. 어느덧 아이들은 고3, 중3.
열심히 살아왔지만, 불현듯 허무한 건 어쩔 수 없네요.
지금 제 꿈은 그림을 그리는 것입니다. 도전해볼까 하다가 포기하고,
그냥 살기엔 인생이 너무 허무하고. 생각만 많습니다.
김00 / 주부. 46세. 경기도 부천시 거주
약 500년 전 한석봉 어머니가 어둠 속에서 떡을 썰며 무슨 고민을 했을까요?
일찍 남편 보내고 자식새끼 하나 바라보며 살았는데 하라는 글씨 공부는 안 해서 이렇게 자식 놈과 마주 앉아 떡 배틀이나 하고 있는 자신을 보며 인생무상을 느끼며 지금 주부님 같은 고민을 하지 않았을까요?^^ 이렇듯 지금 하고 계신 고민은 어느 시대나 있었고 또 앞으로도 있을 것입니다. 그래서 이에 대한 답들도 많습니다.
대충 간추려 보면 자신의 삶을 찾아라, 일단 시작해봐라, 앞날에 대한 두려움을 버리고 자신감을 가져라, 당신은 아직 젊다… 등등, 다 맞는 말들입니다. 그런데 한편 드는 생각은 말이 쉽지, 내 삶이 뭔지 알고 찾아? 지금 애들 문제나 여건상 뭐라도 시작하기가 쉽나? 하다 말면 괜히 주변 사람들한테 창피나 안 당하려나? 그리고 낼모레가 50인데…. 주부님의 질문 제일 마지막 글이 눈에 들어옵니다. ‘생각만 많습니다.’ 그래요, 참 생각만 많죠.
저희가 어렸을 때 자주 들었던 말 “너 생각이 있는 애니?” 이렇듯 어렸을 때는 생각이 없어서 꿈도 많았습니다. 그런데 점차 생각들이 많아지다 보니까 꿈들이 멀어집니다. 생각들을 좀 내려놓으세요.
어렸을 때는 삶이 뷔페식인 줄 알았지만 나이가 먹으면서 삶은 코스 요리란 걸 알았습니다. 앞 요리를 먹어야 다음 요리가 나오는. 지금 주부님 앞에 놓인 조금은 오래돼 먹기 부담스럽거나 먹고 나서 탈이 생길 수도 있는 꿈이란 음식이 있습니다. 이걸 드셔야지 다음에 어떠한 음식, 어떤 삶이 나올지 기대라도 할 수 있습니다. 그리고 꿈에도 유통 기한이 있습니다. 시간이 더 지난다면 시도조차 할 수 없습니다. 지금 꼭 한입이라도 드시길 바랍니다.
동네 노는 아저씨 백일성. 올해 나이 41세, 동갑내기 아내와 중딩 초딩 남매 그리고 1930년대생 부모님과 함께 한집에서 박 터지게 살고 있음. 3년 전 우연히 포털사이트 다음 아고라 이야기 방에 ‘나야나’라는 필명으로 박 터지게 살아가는 이야기를 글로 남기게 됨. 2년 전에는 <나야나 가족 만만세>라는 수필집도 발간했음. 좌우명이라고 할 거는 없지만 어려서부터 어머니에게 자주 들었던 말, “지랄도 많이 하면 는다~”를 한 가지 일에 꾸준히 하라는 말로 새기고 살아오고 있음.
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