Eun Hee Kim is 60 years old and a housewife, artist, and the mother of two. Last October she held her first exhibition entitled “Our Pictures” About 10 years ago she became interested in painting Folk Art. At the exhibition she showed 26 pieces of her work; including “Noh-an-do,” a drawing of wild geese and reeds, and “Chek-ga-do,” a drawing of a bookstand. She says that emptying the mind is like peeling away a cellophane film overlaying the original. This is her story of throwing away the mind.
On a day lit by the autumn sun I opened my first exhibition. It was my intention to prepare a small cozy place for my friends to visit, rather than present my work to the public. But thankfully many people came to the exhibition, so it was a happy time and as lavish as a fully opened yellow chrysanthemum blossom.
When I was nine years old it was my dream to be an artist. I was drawing some dolls, and also some clothes to dress them up with, when my father said to me: “you are very good at that.” Just by him saying that I thought: “Oh, I should be an artist in my life!” Since then I have never thought about another career.
I was accepted into a fine arts college and majored in oriental painting. After graduation I worked in an office, met my husband, got married and raised two children. I stopped painting for ten years in order to fulfill my duty as a mother and a housewife. One day I longed to find my way back to the artist’s life, so I started painting again. I thought this would be enough to make me happy.